Parent-Teacher Association

Parents actively supporting the success of students and teachers

All parents are automatically included in the Parent Teacher Association.

Why should you participate in the PTA?

Children Benefit: Research shows that participating in your child's school and showing engagement helps them perform better academically.

The School Benefits: PTA performs support for teachers which in turn creates a positive and caring atmosphere in the school.

Make Connections: Get to the know the teachers and staff and make life-long relationships with other parents.

It's Good for You: Socializing with other parents and volunteering to do good for your child's school is fun, healthy, and rewarding.


Family Night

Family members are invited to a pot luck dinner and showcase 5 times a year off-campus. PTA members organize and staff the event.


Cub Scouts

All students can participate in this PTA led after school program. Cub Scouts focuses on citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership. 

The methods of Cub Scouting are: living the ideals, belonging to a den, advancement, family involvement, activities, serving the community, and the uniform.


Donuts with Dad

To highlight the importance of father participation in education, PTA members hosted a breakfast at the school. Muffins with Mom was scheduled but was cancelled due to health concerns.

The methods of Cub Scouting are: living the ideals, belonging to a den, advancement, family involvement, activities, serving the community, and the uniform.